An Update … from Afghanistan

Published on October 27, 2013 by in Updates

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Here’s a video update from Aidan in the Pamir Mountains in northeastern Afghanistan. This was recorded last month (I finally got it a few days ago), shortly before he encountered visa issues that kept him in the country for almost a month more than planned!

I received a text from him this morning that he’s finally on a plane out. More on his Afghan adventure (and what he learned about aviation over there) when he returns. In the meantime, here’s a belated look ahead:

So, lots coming. As always, feel free to email us about any interesting flying jobs you know about (or want to know about), and we’ll put them on our list of topics to research for you!

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2 Responses to “An Update … from Afghanistan”

  1. danny says:

    Get home soon aidan! I look forward to hearing about your trip!

  2. Victor Lawson says:

    Some things never change, like Aidan’s endurance (especially when it comes to his ability to constantly move his lips without tiring!)

    haha. Good to see you out in the snow and sun and doing well, brother!

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