After a series of heavily publicized accidents, Alaska’s Hageland Aviation Services (doing business as Ravn Connect) completely overhauled their operational control process. Incorporating elements of a Part 121-style airline dispatch operation into a Part 135 air taxi company, a new state-wide operations center based in Palmer has changed the way Hageland’s pilots assess and manage risk as they fly in the Alaskan bush.
In our fourth live Q&A call for Oddball Pilot members we talked about glass cockpits. It’s not a new topic, but we approached it from an oddball pilot perspective. If you’re headed for an oddball flying career, is it best to learn to fly on steam gauges or glass? Listen to the recording of the call to hear some different perspectives on this, and lots more.
In 1925, the world was becoming smaller, and oddball pilots were helping fuel the changes. Watch this silent documentary from the U.S. Post Office Department. Can you see the technological marvel of air mail for what it was at the time?
Last week, an interesting article on “automation addiction” made its way around the Internet. Though the debate really isn’t anything new, it does seem particularly relevant to oddball pilots.